Holy Spirit: An Introduction – John 16:7
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Bible and Holy Spirit Reading list
(Blue verses in message)
(Green verses not in message)

How do we know the Holy Spirit is God?
Nicene Creed – I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of life.
II Cor. 3:17-18; Acts 5:3-4
John 1:1-3 with Rom. 8:9-11, Matt. 28:19; I Cor. 2:10-12; II Cor. 13:14; Eph. 4:4-6; Heb. 9:14

How do we know the Holy Spirit is a person?
John 14:26 – teaches and reminds. John 16:8 – convicts
John 16:13 – guides, speaks, and tells
II Cor. 13:14 – fellowship. Gal. 5:22 – produces
I Cor. 12:7 – gives. Acts 1:8 – empowers
I John 5:6; Rom. 8:16 – testifies. Rom. 8:26 – helps and prays for us
Is. 63:10; Eph. 4:30 – grieves. Rom. 15:30 – loves
Rom. 8:27 – has a mind
Speaks: 2 Sam. 23:2; Acts 8:29; Acts 10:19; Acts 11:12; Acts 13:2; Acts 21:11; Acts 28:25-26; 1 Tim. 4:1; Heb. 3:7-8; Rev. 2:7

How is the Holy Spirit “Giver of life?”
Gen 1:2
(Gen 1:26 plurality with God) Job 33:4; Matt. 1:18

How are Christians saved & filled by the Holy Spirit?
John 3:5 ; Eph. 1:13 ; Rom. 8:11
I Cor. 12:3; I Cor. 6:11; I Cor. 6:19; Rom. 8:16; John 6:63; Titus 3:5

What does it mean to be filled?
Acts 11:16 ; I Cor. 10:1-4 Moses dry baptism; Eph. 4:3-6; I Cor. 12:13 Eph. 5:18;
I Peter 3:18-21 and Gal. 3:26-28 Spirit baptism?

Holy Spirit is our Helper:
John 16:7

How do we know the Holy Spirit is God?
Nicene Creed – I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of life.
II Cor. 3:17-18; Acts 5:3-4
John 1:1-3 with Rom. 8:9-11, Matt. 28:19; I Cor. 2:10-12; II Cor. 13:14; Eph. 4:4-6; Heb. 9:14

How do we know the Holy Spirit is a person?
John 14:26 – teaches and reminds. John 16:8 – convicts
John 16:13 – guides, speaks, and tells
II Cor. 13:14 – fellowship. Gal. 5:22 – produces
I Cor. 12:7 – gives. Acts 1:8 – empowers
I John 5:6; Rom. 8:16 – testifies. Rom. 8:26 – helps and prays for us
Is. 63:10; Eph. 4:30 – grieves. Rom. 15:30 – loves
Rom. 8:27 – has a mind
Speaks: 2 Sam. 23:2; Acts 8:29; Acts 10:19; Acts 11:12; Acts 13:2; Acts 21:11; Acts 28:25-26; 1 Tim. 4:1; Heb. 3:7-8; Rev. 2:7

How is the Holy Spirit “Giver of life?”
Gen 1:2 (Gen 1:26 plurality with God) Job 33:4; Matt. 1:18

How are Christians saved & filled by the Holy Spirit?
John 3:5 ; Eph. 1:13 ; Rom. 8:11
I Cor. 12:3; I Cor. 6:11; I Cor. 6:19; Rom. 8:16; John 6:63; Titus 3:5

What does it mean to be filled?
Acts 11:16 ; I Cor. 10:1-4 Moses dry baptism; Eph. 4:3-6; I Cor. 12:13 Eph. 5:18; I Peter 3:18-21 and Gal. 3:26-28 Spirit baptism?

Holy Spirit is our Helper:
John 16:7